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Young Doctor Free photo 9796437 © Andrey Kiselev - Dreamstime.com

Helpline Free photo 8585580 © Andrey Kiselev - Dreamstime.com

Education Laptop Free photo 7810749 © Andrey Kiselev - Dreamstime.com

Computer (XO Scribe) Free photo 9255472 © Bowie15 - Dreamstime.com

Happy XO Scribe Free photo 8385834 © Imagery Majestic  - Dreamstime.com

By Jean Le Tavernier - The Art & Practice of Typography https://archive.org/details/artpracticeoftyp00gres/page/n9/mode/2up Public Domain, Link

Disclaimer - Atributions - Website designed and maintained by CSP Media - original content (c)2000 - 2021 Nolan C. Church Jr.